Welcome to VALET
A training course for listening comprehension of specialist English.
Engineering English
Processes and techniques
I want to learn about processes and techniques
in engineering
in science
I want to hear about innovation in science
Environmental issues
I want to hear about environmental issues
Engineering students
I want to hear
international students
talk about their studies
Animal ID system Industry and supply Design and technology
Professional English
Presentation skills
I want to improve my presentation skills
I want to be able
to apply for a job in
an English-speaking country
Working internationally
I want to hear about people working in an international setting
I want to hear about
the business world
Learning strategies
I want to improve
my note-taking skills
Listening strategies
I want to develop
my listening strategies
I want to improve
my pronunciation
Listening strategies
Engineering English
Processes and techniques
Innovation in science
Animal ID system
Animal ID system
Industry and supply
New mini-engines
Design and technology
The future of the Internet
Environmental issues
Engineering students
Professional English
Presentation skills
Working internationally
Business world
Learning strategies
Listening strategies
Listening strategies
Improving listening skills